Job Opportunities

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Volunteer opportunities

Sound/Video Tech Volunteer Opportunity: 

Want to learn more about this worship opportunity? Watch this video: Sound/Video Tech

The Sound/Video Tech’s ministry is to provide sound for our in=person services and the video for online services.

Specific Responsibilities: Run the sound and video system via touch pad. Arrive early to work with musicians to test mics. It’s easier than it sounds. Training will be provided and there is always GRACE! We know that working with technology can be stressful, but it is what it is, if things go wrong, it happens, we roll with it.

Time Commitment: We would like to have 4-6 people that could rotate on a weekly basis.

Worship assistants:

Worship assistants provide ministry in worship. This includes ushers, readers, communion servers, acolytes, and power point technician.

Specific Responsibilities: 

  • Usher – Hand out bulletins, collect offering, dismiss congregation for communion, clean up papers in chairs following the service. 
  • Readers – Read the lessons for the day. 
  • Communion Servers – Serve communion with the pastor on communion Sundays. 
  • Acolytes – Light and Extinguish the candles. 
  • PowerPoint Technicians – Follow Along in Worship and advance the slides.

Time Commitment: As much or as little as you like. We’d love to have each month covered at the beginning of the month.

Altar Guild: 

Want to learn more about this worship opportunity? Watch this video: Altar guild

The Altar Guild’s ministry is to care for the altar. The vestments, vessels, and altar ware.

Specific Responsibilities: Set up and clean up communion. Be the communion steward during communion. Check and fill candles with oil. Change paraments with the changing of seasons.

Time Commitment: Be responsible for one month at a time, ideally, we have 12 people/families who would commit to it, thus being a once-a-year commitment. Communion is generally served twice a month. Candles will last about 2-3 services and paraments are changed less frequently. Training will be provided.

How to Sign Up: Sing up on sign-up sheet at church, call/email the church office.

There are always many volunteer opportunities. Please contact the church office for further details…