SCHEDULE FOR LENT AT TRINITY March 26 – 7:00-7:30 p.m. – Worship – “Christ Carries Our Burdens” 6:00 p.m. Pizza, 6:30-7:00 p.m. Confirmation and BAM Classes April 2 – 7:00-7:30 p.m. – Worship – “Supporting the Weak and Vulnerable” 6:00 p.m. Pizza, 6:30-7:00 p.m. Confirmation and BAM Classes April 9 – 7:00-7:30 p.m. – Worship – “The Power of Prayer in Support” 6:00 p.m. Pizza, 6:30-7:00 p.m. Confirmation and BAM Classes April 17 (Maundy Thursday)- 6:30 p.m. – Worship with Holy Communion April 18 (Good Friday) – Trinity members will have two community services to choose from on this day: 12 Noon – Baldwin Ministerium-led worship at Peace in Baldwin, or Roberts and Hammond area service at Cross in Roberts at 7:00 p.m.
You are welcome to gather at 12 Noon at Gethsemane in Baldwin, also. Lenten Midweek Offering received during the Wednesdays in Lent will be sent to Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. For more information on the work of this outstanding organization go to
It’s time to order Easter flowers for decorating our sanctuary as an Easter Garden for the upcoming holiday. Flowers may be taken home afterward. You can choose from many beautiful flower types and order them in memory or honor of a loved one if you want. Order forms are available and can be returned in the offering plate or given to Sue Frank. You also may call Sue with your order. Names of those who are being celebrated will be listed in a future newsletter and bulletin. Deadline is absolutely Sunday March 30th!! Thank you for your generosity!
Palm Sunday Brunch – The sign-up for the Brunch is in the fellowship hall. People are needed to prep food prior to worship, to bring food items, to serve and clean up. Palm/Passion Sunday – April 13th . This is a Family & Youth Event for the congregation. Holy Week Worship – Holy Week begins with Palm/Passion Sunday on April 13th . The BOLT kids will sing at worship. We will also read the Passion Story in the gospel of Luke using a congregational reading. Persons interested in being a reader for one of the roles should contact Pastor Julie. Holy Week, a week only Christians observe, continues with Maundy Thursday worship at Trinity on April 17 at 6:30 p.m. This will be a service of Hand (Foot) Washing and Holy Communion. Good Friday Worship will be offered on April 18 at 12 (Noon) at Peace Lutheran Church in Baldwin led by the Baldwin Area Pastors; and at Cross Lutheran Church in Roberts at 7:00 p.m., led by Cross Lutheran, Roberts UCC, and Trinity Lutheran. First Communion – Earlier this year Pastor Julie taught the BOLT children about Holy Communion. Those families who have decided to have their children begin receiving Holy Communion should contact Pastor Julie. Plans are being made to celebrate the First Communion on April 6 and April 13.
The registration form is now online at the Trinity Lutheran website. You may scan the QR code from the bulletin board or find it at You may register for BOLT, BAM, and CONFIRMATION all on the same form. Please register early so orders can be made for bibles and supplies. Sunday morning education hour for children, BOLT, begins with Sunday, September 15th with a Backpack Blessing, music, and activities. BOLT (Building Our Lives Together) is a time for young children to gather and learn, ages 3 – grade 4. Little ones appreciate being accompanied by a trusted adult in their lives. The education hour runs from 10:15-10:50 a.m. The first class will be on September 23rd. Wednesday evening education is for Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation students. Like last year this is a joint ministry of Gethsemane and Trinity Lutheran Churches. BAM and CONFIRMATION will begin with Student/Parent/Guardian Orientation on Wednesday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Baldwin. The first semester will meet at Gethsemane and the second semester will be at Trinity. BAM (Bible And Me) is a pre-confirmation time for grades 5 & 6. Students will learn how to use their Bible while learning key Bible stories. They will also participate in worship, service and fellowship activities. Weekly attendance is expected. Confirmation is for students in grades 7 & 8. Confirmation is a time to prepare students to be able to affirm their baptism with integrity. There will be a focus on how to “live Lutheran.” They will also participate in worship, service and fellowship activities. Weekly attendance is required.
Trinity Lutheran Church is a community of people called together through Word and Sacrament to trust God’s promises, to celebrate God’s gifts, to reflect on the meaning of God’s love, and to reach out in love to share God’s gifts with everyone.