Faith Formation Registration Link:

Click Here: Faith Formation Schedule (schedule will be posted soon

BOLT: Building Our Lives Together
Ages 0-4th Grade (Kids ages 0-3 accompanied by an adult)

Sundays 10:15-10:50 AM September 24 – April 23

In BOLT children will learn Bible stories and about the church seasons and how they apply to their lives. They will have fun learning the stories, singing songs, making reminders of the stories (crafts), play games and participate in other activities.  Worship on Sunday morning is encouraged!

BAM:  Bible And Me  (Pre-Confirmation)
Grades: 5-6

Wednesdays September 20 –April 23 6:30-7:30 PM

BAM is a pre-confirmation program that will be studying how to use the Bible while learning about key Bible stories.  They will also participate in fellowship, service and expected to participate in Sunday morning worship. Weekly attendance is expected. 

Grades 7 -8

Wednesday September 20-April 23 6:30-7:30 PM

Confirmation is preparation for students to be able to affirm their baptism with integrity.  During these two years they will learn Lutheran History & Catechism and how do we “live Lutheran”. They will also participate in fellowship and service and have will have expectations to be filled outside of regular class time including additional service opportunities and participating in Sunday morning worship. Weekly attendance is required.

High School Youth
Grades 9-12
Various Schedule Throughout the Year
High school are invited to participate in a monthly event, which might be fellowship, service and/or learning.  Friends are ALWAYS invited! 

Links for Holy Communion

Sunday Acolyte sign-up

(Any age as long as they can reach the candles.)