The Clean Slate group has ended their meetings at Trinity for now due to lack of regular attendance.

Please give generously through the ELCA ministry, Lutheran Disaster Response, and help residents of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, and also members of ELCA congregations. You may also donate online at; and to the American Red Cross at; and the ministry partner Lutheran World Relief at

The Building Our Lives Together (BOLT) gatherings for youth begin again THIS Sunday, January 19th, at 10:15 a.m. Pastor Julie will present on how Holy Communion is a gift from God for us. Please join us; parents are encouraged to attend as well.

Bishop Halom was elected to be bishop of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin during
the synod assembly in June. He has pledged to visit all the congregations of the synod
in his first years. He will be the guest preacher on Sunday, January 19th at Trinity.
Please mark this date on your calendar and bring your smiles. He is taking selfies with
each congregation and posting about his visits on the synod Facebook page.

Wednesday, January 22nd
Caribou in Baldwin

All congregations are invited by our synod to a conversation about climate change as it relates to our faith. This event will be held this Saturday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. at English Lutheran Church of Bateman (20588 County Hwy X, Chippewa Falls). A presentation will be given by an expert and there will be a period for questions and suggestions for action to make a difference in our communities.
Refreshments and snacks will be served; there is no charge.
See the poster in the narthex for more details.

The Annual Meeting of Trinity Lutheran Church will be Sunday February 23, 2025,
at 10:00 a.m. A chili cook-off will follow the business meeting. BOLT will not meet
on this Sunday.

FRESH EXPRESSIONS—Saturday, February 15th
Save the date for a unique experience of church designed to inhabit the community spaces other than our church buildings. Participants will have the opportunity to sample Yoga Church, Book Church, Dinner Church, Beer Church, and Trail Church.
These examples of Fresh Expressions of Church will be held in public spaces in the St. Croix Conference of which Trinity is a member congregation. Times and locations will be announced soon. All experiences are free. You are welcome to try one or try them all.

Thanks to all of you who are willing to be a prayer partner for our children and youth. Today a booklet with a month’s worth of prayers for children, youth and young people is available for you to take as you begin this year of prayer. It is “Prayers for Cherishing Children” a resource created by Cherish All Children, a service of Lutheran Social Services of MN, and partner churches. There is a single-page prayer resource for children.

The Call Committee has been identified and will be installed during Sunday, December 15th Worship Service. They are Mindy Ramberg – the Chairperson, Betty Johnson, Lois Koosman, Michelle Kost, Sarah Pommerening, Matt Pommier, Carrie Vick, and Dave Roos. Please remember them in your prayers as they meet to prepare themselves for interviewing candidates. Ask that the Holy Spirit guide all that they do.

God came down to us in Jesus Christ bringing love, hope, peace, and joy. God blesses us with abundant provision for daily life. Because God gives to us first, we are able the example of generosity. Good places to give in this Christmas season, especially in honor or in memory of someone you love:
Trinity Lutheran Church General Fund – Trinity Gen Fund or Mortgage
Trinity Lutheran Church, Mortgage
Northwest Synod of Wisconsin – multiple options – nwswi giving
Luther Point Bible Camp, Grantsburg – camping ministry
ELCA World Hunger 50 years – fight hunger
ELCA Good Gifts Catalog – shop now
Please note your gifts and offerings to Trinity make it possible for this community to thrive. Thank you for your prayers, offerings and support!
Trinity is one of 191 congregations of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin that walk together in mission for regional and global ministries, learn together through synod led events, and are supported, especially in times of transition.
Luther Point Bible Camp is a special ministry of the church. Kids who attend camp often Become leaders in congregations. The goal of Luther Point is to provide the good news of Jesus for everyone who attends camp.
The work of ELCA World Hunger is one of the most popular ministries of the church. Almost 1 in 10 people – 733 million – in our world are hungry. As people of congregations, we are called to respond to this need. We are a church that rolls up its sleeves and gets to work!
The best gift catalog is the ELCA Good Gifts Catalog. The items in the catalog are real Ministries supported through the work of the ELCA. Each program is a long-term, partnership- based ministry that focuses on the needs identified by local congregations and global companion churches and their communities. The ELCA focuses on relationship building and contextual ministry. Several paper copies of the catalog are at the entrance.

Is there anyone in the congregation who could come in and help with putting paper materials together? Pastor Julie has things a volunteer could do, some weeks more than others. If you have some time to give to assemble materials or whatever is needed, please let Pastor Julie know. Your service is greatly appreciated!

An option for 24-hour access to free food is the pantry in the entryway of the Village of Hammond building at 455 Davis, on the upper level. The Hammond Library also has a small shelf available when the library is open, and they sometimes have some non-food items such as diapers.
The food pantry at the Roberts Congregational UCC church (at 1001 Birch Dr. in Roberts) has normal open hours from 9:00 am-11:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In an emergency situation there might be some access other days when the church is open (M-F, 8:30 am-12:30 pm). Ring the doorbell for Kim to let you in.
Also, mark on your calendars that the Fresh Express Mobile Food Pantry Truck from Hudson will be in our parking lot on Saturday, Dec. 14th, from 12:30—1:00 pm. It is here on the second Saturday of every month. Please pass the word.
If you are interested in donating food to any food shelf, please make sure it isn’t past its expiration date! We want to ensure the health and safety of all.

The Baldwin Food Pantry has new hours beginning in December. They are now in their new location in Baldwin at the site of the former Kwik Trip at the corner of Highway 63 and Main Street. People can drive up to receive some food anytime between 3:00 and 7:00 pm on Tuesdays or 8:00 am-12:00 noon on Thursdays. It is OK to pull over to sort and return groceries if you want. The plan is to open the building for more wide-range
shopping at some point in the near future. All are welcome to stop by for help meeting household food needs. Food will no longer be distributed at Gethsemane Lutheran.

FREE FRESH FOOD HERE SATURDAY, JANUARY 11TH! Fresh Express Mobile Food Pantry truck Sat. January 11th from 12:30-1:00 in parking lot Everyone welcome to shop its shelves. It will also stop at Baldwin Village Hall.

Like last year, BAM and Confirmation is a shared ministry between Trinity and Gethsemane Lutheran Churches. The first semester will be held at Gethsemane. Students, parents and/or guardians are asked to attend as Pastor Paul and Pastor Julie give an overview of the year and then break off into groups to discuss what is specific to each congregation. The Pastors are pleased to offer Bible instruction using Dan Erlander’s Manna and Mercy material and Lutheran Living instruction with Faith Inkubators for Confirmation. If you haven’t done so, please register here: Trinity Children and Confirmation Ministries

The schedule for BOLT – Building Our Live Together, the Sunday morning education hour for children is posted in the building and the Sign-Up Genius link is active for online signups. BOLT will again use the Spark Activate Faith Rotation Sunday School material. New this year is gathering the kids to sing for worship a few times this year. Pastor Julie will assist with music, and is willing to share that with any volunteer. Youth volunteers are encouraged to sign up as well as adults willing to teach.
You can find the stories and dates here: BOLT Teacher and youth volunteer sign up

Worship Assistants are a vital part of our Sunday gatherings. Training is available for all positions. Trinity has an awesome group of people who are willing to lead the singing and music, but there is always room for more. This group arrives between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. to practice for the morning worship. There are multiple roles that people fill each week. Please consider signing up through the weekly Peek of the Week, on the Sunday clipboard, or by calling the church office and asking about openings. Other assistants for Sunday include: Ushers – hand out bulletins, collect offering, direct people for communion, clean up around the chairs in the sanctuary following worship; Lectors (Readers) – read the appointed lesson from the reading desk (pulpit); Communion Set-Up and Serving – at least two people are needed, and the duties can be shared with a friend, instructions for set up are posted where the elements are located; Acolytes – light the candles during the Prelude and extinguish the candles after the first verse of the Sending Hymn; Slide Show (Power Point) – follow the order of service to advance the slides for the congregation; Sound/Video Technician – boot up the system and connect for the live-stream, control some microphones. Thank you for helping to make worship awesome!

If you are caring for anyone facing memory challenges, you are not alone. Many caregivers could use a break occasionally and might not be aware of this program. Among Friends offers a few hours of relief to refresh yourself and give the person with dementia some independence by getting them out to enjoy the company of others. Research shows that even a little social activity a week can delay memory decline in seniors, help sleep, and decrease agitation. The group meets every Tuesday from 9-3 (come when you can) at First Congregational Church in River Falls (110 No. 3rd St.). You can drop off your loved one with trained professionals who ensure a safe and welcoming environment. Food and activities are offered, including music, crafts, chair yoga, conversations, and visits from animal friends or other learning activities. A catered lunch is provided. The cost for all of this is $35, though talk to them if this is a problem. Rides might also be arranged if this is an issue. A brochure is in the narthex; you can also look for more information at their website: or call: 715-293-2561.


Do you have a special day, memory or event coming up soon? Please see Lois Koosmann to sponsor 2024 Newsletters/Bulletins.  Sponsorships are still only $8 per Sunday. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor your special event or loved one.  Contact Lois Koosmann via email at or call 715-796-5516.

People have arrived at church a couple times to lights being left on with no one in the building. If you are here and the last to leave please make sure light are off. Please also double check the front door to make sure it has latched shut. (During the winter, the cold makes it stick open occasionally)

If you have not directed your Thrivent choice dollars for 2023 you have until March 31, 2024 to do so. Trinity, Hammond WI, can be a choice for you! You can help Thrivent designate it’s charitable grant funds if you have one of the following…
1 ) $750 or more in annual billed premiums of qualifying life and health insurance products.
2) $20,000 or more in contract value of qualifying life insurance and annuity products . You can access this with your online account or contact your Thrivent representative.
***Remember, some Thrivent members are also eligible for Thrivent Action Team Grants. This is an easy way for Trinity to get up to a $250 grant for events, fundraisers, and service projects. If you need help figuring out how to apply for this, let Pastor Kim know and she will get in touch with someone who will walk you through it!***

Collecting Eye glasses and empty pill bottles: Trinity Lutheran is collecting used eye glasses for the Lion’s club. The container is in the hall by the quilting room. We are also collecting used pill bottles for third world countries, both over counter medications and prescription bottles. Please remove the labels from the prescription bottles. The pill bottle container is in the back hall near the quilting room. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Jensen.

Weekly Newsletter Items are due to the church office on Tuesday by noon.

Warm up your heart, be a co-worker in God’s work by volunteering for a Sunday worship ministry role. Greeters, ushers and readers are needed every Sunday. The gifts of your time and interest are priceless. Contact the church office at (715) 796-2788 or sign up by clicking here.

Trinity wants to stay in touch with you through church communications. Please notify the church office of any changes to your email address, street address, P.O. Box number, telephone or cell phone numbers. It’s important that we stay connected in God’s busy world.

Check out Trinity’s AMAZING library! The Library is located just off the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall. It is stocked with some AWESOME books, videos, CDs and more! It is easy to check out items. Located the checkout card in or on the back of the item), write your name and date on that card and drop it in the checkout basket! IT IS THAT EASY!!

Friday, January 17: (Office Closed)

Saturday, January 18:

Sunday, January 19: 9:00 am – Sunday Worship w/ Bishop Halom (in church and/or live-stream); 10:00 am – Coffee Fellowship; 10:15 AM – BOLT; 6:00 pm – Girl Scouts

Monday, January 20: (Office Closed)

Tuesday, January 21: 

Wednesday, January 22: 9:00 AM – Coffee w/Pastor Julie at Caribou Coffee, Baldwin; NO BAM/Confirmation

Thursday, January 23: (Office Closed)

Friday, January 24: (Office Closed)

Saturday, January 25: 

Sunday, January 26: 9:00 am – Worship Service (in church and/or live-stream); 10:00 am – Coffee Fellowship; 10:15 AM – BOLT

Monday, January 27: 6:00 pm – Council Meeting