October is Trinity’s generosity focus month!
We can’t wait to journey together as we share the blessings given to us by God.

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16
7 Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Pack your faith, hope, and sense of adventure as we embark on a Journey to Generosity. As Trinity Lutheran Church members, you are challenged to dream, to activate our entire congregation into new paths of generosity with an eye on sustainability, growth, and progress. We want to look at sharing our time, talents, and treasures in ways that enrich, strengthen, and expand our services both within and outside our church community.

Click the buttons below to read more:

We hope you find value in our congregation. We hope you know how much you are loved by a generous God.
We hope you will consider continuing or increasing your generosity to Trinity with your time and with your money so we can continue to be a blessing for the world around us.
If you do not give a regular/consistent electronic gift consider doing that. It’s easy to do. Just fill out this form and return it to the church office or put in the offering plate.
We also hope you will consider serving in worship on a regular basis too! It takes many hand to make our services run smoothly.
Thank you for your generosity to Trinity to the ministry and mission of this congregation!

Ready to fill out your commitment card? (Print one here:) Return Card

OCTOBER 29, 2023: We conclude our monthly focus of Journey to Generosity. Each month we’ll still have many opportunities to be generous with our time and treasure within and outside of our church doors. We hope you will continue to be inspired by the lyrics of The Blessing and have used the discussion questions at home.
Next Sunday you are invited to return your pledge card during our processional offering for All Saints Day. The pledge card is to be used for your own accountability. If you have not considered regular electronic giving this is a great time to set that up. You can find a form to get started on the table in the fellowship hall.
Thank you for your generosity to the ministry and mission of Trinity Lutheran Church!

OCTOBER 22, 2023: Today our theme is “Journey of Treasure”. A treasure is something that is valuable to us. A good “treasure hunt” is often exciting. The things we treasure are the things we put our heart and souls into. They are reflective of our values. The greatest treasure we have is Jesus Christ. No one loves us and cares for us more! If you did not receive a stewardship packet last week or did not read the information
sent in an email, please pick one up today. This is for you to reflect upon the needs of Trinity and prayerfully consider how you will respond.

OCTOBER 15, 2023: Today our theme is “Journey of Invitation”. What relationships, causes, and places is God inviting us to? Take home your insert and discuss the questions with someone this week. Hang up the song lyrics and reflect on them as you go about your days. If you did not receive a stewardship packet last week or did not read the information sent in an email, please pick one up today. This is for you to reflect upon the needs of Trinity and prayerfully consider how you will respond.

OCTOBER 8, 2023: Today our theme is “Journey to Responsibility”. We invite you to read the Parable of the Wicked Tenets in your devotions this week, Matthew 21:33-46. Today you will receive a stewardship packet for your to reflect upon the needs of Trinity and prayerfully consider how you will respond.